Lodgify has developed some amazing new features for vacation rental owners this autumn. Our new features will allow you to expand your rental offering and create attractive deals for your guests. And that is not the end of it. Expect additional useful features and optimizations in the upcoming months.
2. Add-on services
Now you can offer any additional services directly through your Lodgify website. Our Add-On function allows you to add relevant services that guests can optionally choose (e.g. breakfast, airport pick-up, housekeeping) when booking their stay on your website. Go to Step 3 of your property, enter a name and description of your additional service and specify the details of your pricing. Make use of this great function in order to expand your offering as a host, and allow guests to round off their booking and stay experience at your vacation rental.
3. Speed update
The speed of your website is our highest priority. We have developed a long-term plan to ensure your website delivers excellent performance for both desktop and mobile browsing. This month we have optimized the caching of your website which allows your website visitors to browse faster through your site.
4. Custom text tool
We have implemented an advanced feature which allows you to modify certain terms in your default language and translations on your website frontend. If you would like to change certain words or sentences that you previously weren’t able to change (e.g. within fields, buttons etc.), go to your website, enter the “Settings” page, and go to the “Advanced” tab. Click on the “Customize texts” button, search for the relevant term, and modify it accordingly in all languages. Please note though that this feature is for advanced user only and should be used very carefully.
5. Design optimizations
We have made some general optimizations to all design templates, most notably the search bar functionality. The design has been improved for desktop and mobile view, and allows visitors of multiple properties websites to easily navigate between property listing and map view within the search results. We are also working on some major template improvements which we will be launching until the end of the year. So stay tuned.
6. Additional languages
Following several customer requests, we have now added two more languages to our translation portfolio. We now offer 17 frontend languages for your website. The new languages added include Chinese (Mandarin). Chinese are the world’s top tourism spenders according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization. It is definitely worth considering focusing on this opportunity and making your website available to this potential customer segment.
Let us know what you think about these new features by commenting on the blog post below! We’d love to hear your feedback – good or bad – as it will help us improve our product features.
Also don’t stop sending us your feature requests either by commenting below or by using our feature submission form. Finally, if you would like to find out more on previously added features, read about those in our previous blog article.
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