Thanks to our iCal sync, managing your calendars with Lodgify will become much easier and automatic, making the synchronization with your external channel calendars a breeze.

The calendar sync provided by Lodgify through iCal ensures the availabilities on both your vacation rental calendar and listing sites are always up-to-date.

Manual changes are a thing of the past. Stop worrying about manually blocking your calendar on your favorite OTAs and never let potential mistakes mess up your bookings.

Set up the integration and enjoy the automatic sync of your listing calendars with Lodgify.



This integration requires both a listing connection and Lodgify. Learn more.

Synchronize your listings and Google Calendar

Connect your availabilities on external listing sites with your favorite calendars like Google calendar. Make the most of the tools you use every day for your business.

Airbnb iCal sync

Import and export availabilities

Make bookings flow seamlessly. Easily import bookings and blocked periods into Lodgify and export your Lodgify bookings to your external calendars via our iCal sync.

Airbnb API integration

Save time and effort

The Lodgify iCal sync works automatically, giving you more time to focus on the management of your business. No more manual updates and no more tedious calendar errors.

Airbnb API integration


Set up the iCal sync in few clicks

You can quickly carry out the process by yourself in a matter of minutes. Simply follow the step-by-step connection guide as outlined in our highly detailed Knowledge Base article. For any questions, our connectivity team will be ready to provide support.


Start synchronizing your calendars with iCal      FREE 7-DAY TRIAL


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