Easily connect Lodgify with over 1000 external apps to stay on top of your business with our Zapier integration.
Not only can you connect your favorite apps and tools so they do the work for you, but you can also create “triggers” in Lodgify which will then convert into actions in your other apps.
Stop jumping from one app to another and start automating your processes. Enjoy streamlining the overall management of your bookings, messages, reporting and much more!
Set up the integration and watch Lodgify and Zapier automate your workload.
This integration requires both Zapier and Lodgify. Learn more.
Integrate with 1000+ Apps
We don’t want you to give up using your favorite apps. Zapier integrates with the tools you use every day and shares important information between platforms.
Automate your business
By creating an action-based workflow through our Zapier integration, you can build automated processes and make sure that bookings, messaging and reporting follow a logical and efficient flow.
Save Time and Energy
No need to keep making manual changes. Connect your apps through Zapier in just a few clicks and watch them work together effortlessly – while you focus on your daily tasks.
Get started in a Zap
Setting up the Zapier integration is fast, easy and requires zero maintenance effort. You can easily set it up yourself and start building your smart connections without the need to contact our support team. However, should you have any doubts about how to get started, you can check out all the step-by-step guide in our highly detailed Knowledge Base.