Chapter 11

How to Contact Vrbo Customer Service

Last updated: March 2024

If you have any questions about how to use your account, you call the Vrbo phone number at 1-877-202-4291 (U.S.) or visit While their support is quite responsive, on their website, you will find frequently asked questions that may help you find the answer without having to contact Vrbo customer service.

Disclaimer: Lodgify is not Vrbo

Lodgify is a vacation rental software that helps hosts independently increase their bookings and maximize their time. That’s why we’ve put together this Vrbo listing guide to help you navigate the site’s features.

Don’t see the form to download our Ultimate Guide to Listing on Vrbo? Click here.

Vrbo customer service

Regardless of whether you’re a host or guest, Vrbo customer service offers assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. While you can call the Vrbo phone number directly, you can also access help via the contact link that is found both on the header and at the bottom of every help page on the website—there is currently no Vrbo email for direct email outreach or assistance.

When you click on the contact link, you will be asked to identify whether you are a traveler, host, or property manager. Depending on which you choose, you will then be given some additional choices to describe what you need help with. Then, you will be presented with some articles that pertain to your topic to help you further.

If your issues or questions are left unresolved after reading through the Vrbo customer service articles, then you can choose an email address or phone link so you can correspond with a representative. This is a great customer service system that helps both hosts who may need help with their Vrbo listings and guests who need help making a reservation.

Vrbo Owner Help Center

Using the Help Center for Vrbo customer service

One of the most common reasons guests and hosts contact Vrbo customer service is regarding payment issues. In the help section of the Vrbo website, there are lots of details regarding financial transactions. Guests also want to know about the fee they are going to be charged, so instead of having to contact customer service, they can rely on the help center for the knowledge they need.

The help section is broken down into a few main sections, such as:

  • Manage a listing: This is an important section for owners and property managers needing help with all things related to Vrbo listings, such as the fee they will be charged and how to go about payment management. It contains a great deal more details that should provide all the answers needed without having to contact customer service.
  • Security protection: Here, you can find answers to payment-related questions and also information about the Vrbo checkout process and security protection. Although the information here is detailed and thorough, both hosts and guests can still contact customer service if they are having an issue with a payment or any other matter.

These are just a few examples of the many topics that are covered in the help section, which provides additional customer service support. Ultimately, if you need urgent or unique support, we suggest using the Vrbo phone number to reach a support representative.

If you’re using a Vrbo channel manager like Lodgify to sync your calendars and bookings across all top online travel agents, you’ll likely need to contact the software’s support for related questions. If you’re a Lodgify customer with questions about your connected listings, here is how to access support.

Don’t see the form to download our Ultimate Guide to Listing on Vrbo? Click here.